Thursday, January 04, 2007

Please response.....

I have received an email from one of the group called Family place where they are homescholling parents online group forum.......they are asking for the opinion on this matter..

Dear Friends,

If you have children in Primary 5 this year and have not read the Science textbook, it is time you read it - the first line of Lesson 1.Here is the passage reproduced:In Lesson 1: The Unseen Life (page 2), the section starts off with:"All living things are created by God..................."In page 52:"We are grateful that God created the Sun. Light from the Sun.........."Some parents reacted with shock, some did not mind, while some just lamented with a "what do do?"Let us know your thoughts on this. Should religion be brought into science and would the impact be?Send your thoughts and comments to youFamilyPlace

Please share your thoughts and comments, thanks.........

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